MebbsUSRS user instructions.... You have just found out who else is logged into the BBS. Now by selecting their line number, you can send them a short message... Possibly... "Hey Join me in the Conference area... I'm in room number 1 ". Your message is limited to only 70 Characters. For a longer message go to the E-Mail section of this BBS and send the user a letter instead, the user will still get the signal on-screen even if you use the Handle name. Not all DOORS games are created equal... ie.. Some don't like to be signal injected by outside programs, so if the user is 'In a door' your message will not be sent and you will be told to send E-Mail. If the person is 'In the file areas' then most likely they are uploading or downloading and your message to this user will stay in memory and be sent at the conclusion of their file activity. You can now create a list of Users that you want to HIDE FROM. Hit [H] below to enter Hide Mode. Hitting RETURN alone at the first name request will kill any previously created HIDE file.